Friday, October 15, 2010

You know you're a workaholic when you think about putting work-related stuff on your  blog.
But I can't resist x.x

Japanese have fewest digital friends on social networks
Quotes from:

In Malaysia the average number of friends is 233, closely followed by 231 in Brazil and 217 in Norway. This contrasts to an average of just 29 friends in Japan, and 68 in China
 Article suggests countries like Japan have 'fewer but closer relationships'. To be honest, I find that assumption plausible but unreliable. It really depends on what the survey meant by social networks. If they only surveyed global sites, which are mostly English-speaking, then it would make a lot of sense why Japan and China scored low. Not that Japanese and Chinese speak less English, but they tend to prefer using their own languages, I feel. Sadly, I don't know of any Chinese-only social networking sites, but I'm pretty sure they do. And perhaps this is the channel where most Chinese social networkers go?

Or it could also just mean that social networking sites are just not as popular. For China, internet penetration rate isn't high. It is possible that many 'friends' simply do not have easy internet access. Or, even in Japan, where internet penetration rate is high, the statistics may simply suggest that social networking sites are not very popular amongst the locals.

It is true that the overall rise in the use of social networking sites, or more generally, digital sources suggest that businesses should venture into digital space in order to attract their customers. But, it is also crucial that one looks at which market they are targeting. Because statistics are so misleading sometimes.

Don't feel like expanding. It's too brain-taxing for a Friday morning :)

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