Tuesday, February 27, 2007

gloomy clouds, grey skiess. walking in the rain.
slight but oppressive drizzle that gets to u like how drops of water goes drip, drip and eventually drills a hole through the hardest rock.
i remember telling someone: oh at least it isn't both rainy and windy.
goes into a cafe for a warm cuppa mocha, thinks all is fine, goes out, and guess what! it IS rainy and windy.
someone tells me: typical day in edinburgh.
one has to agree sometimes.

still aching from pony trekkiing on sunday in the pentland hills.
misty day it was (and yeah rainy)
splashing in the mud in oversized spare wellies.
ugly green wellies and ugly green waterproof sheet.
(pony must have thought i was grass. nose sniffled at the green shapeless thing in front of it. licked. and licked. decidedly not grass. nudged. green shapeless thing moved. pony turns away)
exciting. naughty dessie who's lazy. i kicked gently, it mrufledd and went back to nibbling grass. kicked again. dessie walked a few step and... went back to grass. kicked and kicked. and ppl wonder why sitting on a pony can be tiring.
dessie hates to follow in a straight line where all the ponies are and wanders off despite my tugging at the rein. dessie and i move parallel.
dessie hates marla. everytime we see marla, dessie makes a wild dash at marla (and xin desperately holds on) and attempts a bite. marla rears (and mary desperately holds on).
bazil likes dessie's butt. and licks it. dessie is alarmed and CANTERS towards empty space (xin holds on, pulls the rein and thankfully does not fall off)
xin and dessie are lost in the mist. voices talking ahead. voices talking behind. and all we see is white swirly mist and the sillhouete of a huge pony butt swaying in front of us.
curious sheep stares at trail of ponies.
xinyi is relieved and tired. but xin would like to go again (once i forget how horrifying it possibly might be)

xin has much to do.
we have a kanji portfolio (wth is that o_O)
we have a kanji test (soon)
we have yet ANOTHERRRRR philo essay
we have a miniquiz (potentially more than onee)
we have to pay accomm.
we have to study. and study. and study.
we have to plan italy(?) trip.
we have to... weeeeee. weeeeeeee. i dunno.

byebyee =)

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