Wednesday, October 04, 2006

i woke up to a morning swirling with mist. when we spoke, puffs of mist were emitted from our mouths. the not-so-faraway castle-like building (they call st leonard's hall) was partially veiled. the sky was grey and dreary. the temperature was 9 degrees celsius.

over breakfast, the clouds in the sky vanished and sunlight cascaded down upon the mist. it seemed like the whole field was covered with sparkles of light off the morning dew. The grass on the hill was a glorious green and the sky promised of a good day.

and NOW, the sky is overcast again but the mist has cleared. the sun barely peeps through and the outside is still and dark.

someone, tell me WHY the weather changes SO rapidly here. so how am i supposed to decide what to wear? yesterday i went out when it was sunny, so i only brought a thin sweater, but it was FREEZING in the evening when i returned o_O no wonder everyone's been catching the fresher's flu. gAh.

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