Thursday, September 25, 2008

i know.
my first(?) post this year... well this academic year anyway.
and it's not going to be about me :P

i was reading Hobbes (again) but the full version of 'The Leviathan', and I realised Hobbes said something reminiscent of Newtons' first law of motion, that (the latter) goes somewhat like: An object remains at rest or in its state of motion unless a net external force acts upon it.

well, bearing in mind that Newton published that in 1687, Hobbes said (in 1660) in the Leviathan that: when a thing lies still, unless somewhat else stir it, it will lie still for ever, is a truth that no man doubts of. But that when a thing is in motion, it will eternally be in motion, unless somewhat else stay it, though the reason be the same (namely, that nothing can change itself), is not so easily assented to.

ok, it's not like exactly the same. but. oh well, i don't know what i'm getting at anyway. I bet Hobbes never knew who the hell Newton was or vice versa. news travel pretty slowly in those days. haha :)

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