Wednesday, August 28, 2024

read: 长安的荔枝

A fictitious story set in ancient china about a government official tasked to do an impossible task of importing lychee fresh in the heat of summer across a vast distance.

The story explores modern relatable concepts. Doing unreasonable things just cos the big boss says. Big boss has no grasp of the reality setting unreasonable tasks. Middle management not daring to say no and try to delegate the blame away. Affected (positively or negatively) by the politics in the court. Doing things cos of mortgage. Going against your conscience for work. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

read: thinking, fast and slow

We have two cognitive systems, system 1 and 2.

System 1 works easily and automatically
System 2 takes more effort and operates methodically

These systems interact continually.
When walking use System 1 but can also think problems use System 2. If switch to running, System 1 is used more and System 2 is less and harder to think problems 

System 1
1. Seek causes in random events
2. Hindsight bias
3. Loss aversion and endowment effect
4. Anchoring

People who are cognitively busy are more likely to make selfish choices, use sexist language and make superficial judgement

Experience self lives the life and remembering self evaluates these experiences

System 1 intuition in experts. Only works in fields where challenges don't vary greatly, luck doesn't determine success and no gap between action and feedback e.g. stock.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

read: the coaching habit

The 7 questions
1. What's on your mind - people project pattern
2. And what else
3. What's the real challenge
4. What do you want
5. How can I help
6. If you're saying yes to this, what are you saying no to
7. What was most useful for you