Tuesday, December 26, 2006
15th dec was like the worst day of the year or sth. well close. i heard things i didn't want to hear. i sat for a TERRIBLE exam. dinner at arowana was pretty good but it made me feel worse cos everyone was so cheerful, it being the holidays, and that being our xmas- cum- new- yr- cum- everything-cos-everyon'es-returning-to-their-home-country-dinner, and nurul and i were juz grumpy and didn't feel like talking to everyone and being sulky and not feeling like smiling and feeling reallyreally guilty for being a wet blanket =( sorry folks. bad day. then had the girls' slp over which rox. seriously. we watched constantine, and we intended to watch legally blonde but we never made it. HAHA. like we were supposed to walk over to yy's room to watch it but everyone was settled happily on my floor, and we were talking, listening to old cheesy music like backstreet boys! talking was so wonderful. haha. it's a girl thing i guess. talking and talking about everything and anything. ppl took turns to fall aslp and then finally it was 6am, time to take the train to manchester...
16th dec started terribly. all 3 of us (hl, kenny and i) were like concussed. hl slept like a few hrs, kenny and i both din slp - hl and kenny went clubbing and i was (as above) having the slpover. we err missed the train. ok let's not describe it. it was a painful experience (for kenny). we got there, met GARRICK!!! haven't seen him for so long.. then he walked us to his place which was damn far away and NOT at all 400m despite his constant assurance that it was. it's like at least 1km oks. and it's not funny carrying a big bag (my luggageee). we had good dim sum. haven't had dim sum for like soooooooooo long like 3 months, since the imf-amazing-race-stb-thingy-dimsum-at-crystal-jade. then we err. nua-ed around till dinner. what did we eat.. err like fried chicken and chips (british chips - i.e. fries) no vege anw.
17th dec. ah 17th dec! i wanted to email a friend but ermms i forgot. oopz. we had big english breakfast (or we wanted to) but in the end we settled for beer and burger (but we din get beer - who drinks beer in the morning - the brits?!) and sunday roast, yummy sunday roast in yorkshire puddingss. mms. dunno what we did but we had a gorgeous chinese dinner, i had beef hor fun! can u believe it? reminds me of ghim moh times. anw i'm fed up of writing in details cos i can't actually remember what we did.. so i'm going to summarise.
museum. t-rex. apes. egyptians. the world. old trafford. manchester united. trophies. stadium. grass. red cafe. town hall. christmas market. university of manchester. gay pubs. canal street. chinatown.arndale. odeon. eragon. manchester eye. library. well not much after alll. and nights and nights and nights of watching stupid movies i think my iq has deterioratedd. then offfffie to london on the 21st.
shitty time on 21st morning. the airport confiscated ALL my stuffss like toothpaste, lip balm, perfumess, soapss, shampoos, moisturiser, water, my fork.
...to be continuedd. when i feel like it.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
anwws i remember why i wanted to postt. cos i uploaded photoss. at least till the cambridge trip cos i errr am too lazy to upload the glasgow photos and the bubble tea photo and the nurul's party photos and the jap party photo and the baking attempt 2 phtoos. i'm trying to upload to blogger but it doesn't work grr. umm i'll do it soon.. lala.. maybe after my examss. eeks. so busyy. i think i don't want to study le.. i'll go play pool after going to the bank (can u believe the bank lost my THIRD application form so i'll be doing my fourth today.. seirously what is wrong wif them? or what is wrong wif me?)

ahh it worked. okkk above is me in the newnham gown =)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
today i'm studying japp. jappy. jappy. basically i spent 1h finishing err most of it. so i've the rest of the day freeeee. and i'm not going to start on politics. nono. eww. today is japaneseee. maybe i'll write a japanese notee to megumi~ she wrote me a reply that i could barely understand the last time though.. hahaa! i shall think very hardd and write a nice replyy. or watch anime the rest of the day - sounds good =) yays.
ahh everyone's back in singapore it seems. can't believe i'm still having exams =( can't wait till i reach london and see nic and see zun again and feel a little more normal.. till thenn~
Sunday, December 03, 2006
tuesday. went to the jap society end-of-sem party at club massa. good music, nice dance floor, but no one dancing. haha except for the friends i went with (my classmates who take japanese) and i o_O haha. they were great company though. haha and i kind of had fun i guess dancingg and dancing.. although err it got a little strange cos it was just us. haha~
thursday, went to kiru (my snr)'s birthday party. she's 21. happy belated! it was at frankenstein, a pub/ club where she worked. pretty big place with 3 floors. haha. met one fo my classmates there who was looking for her bf in the huge place.. hahaa. everyone was dressed so poshlyy. haha. cos the dress code was red carpet. haha the guys were in suits and stuff. quite cool. haha. i wore jo's dress =) i love dressing up =) reminds me of nic and rui.. haha. they constantly played a film called 'bride of frankenstein' there, it's quite alarming. haha~ and everyone was taking photos, chatting or drinkingg.. their bar specialty is a drink called (guess..) 'bride of frankenstein' haha.. but it's really good. it's like bailey's with CHOCOLATE!!!!!! yummm. then the snrs realised they forgot to buy a cake o_O so they ran to tesco to get a plain chocolate cake, which they decorated, quite well i must say.. haha.. and the cake was deliciouss.. anything that has chocolate in it is delicious *beamss* supposed to go clubbing at faith after that but errr we got stuck at kiru's house chatting and we deided to go home. haha. it was drizzling and terribly windyy. when i say windy i mean windy. at one point of time, while kenny and i were walking to the pub, we were blown such that we couldn't control where we were going.. i was pushed full speed into a fence, luckily the wind stopped before i crashedd o_O lucky. not fun to crash into a wet fence in a nice prom dress okk. i had to hold on to the fence everytime the wind blew and stop or else i might fly away o_O and i'm not exaggeratingg. it was so scaryy.. trying so desperately to stop and feeling so vulnerable in the gust o_O even kenny was blown awayy.. and he's tallll and therefore more heavy? haha.. oh well..
haven't been doing much since then but i've run into a spate of bad luck =( it's really bizarre. like i lost my meal pass which i CLEARLY remember putting into my pocket. it's not even my usual i-cant-remember-where-i-left-it-maybe-i-left-it-on-=the-dining-hall-table thing, i clearly remember where i put it, it just wasn't there afterwards o_O i tripped one breakfast and poured milk into my baked beans o_O it was gross okk. grosss! something else but i can't remember.. hm. something really annoying. ahh well.. then this morningg, hard at work studying with my lights on, light starts flickering.. flickerr. flickerrr. flickerr. i switched it off and am studying by the pathetic light of my table lamp now which is burning my book.. cos it's so hott o_O and i can't study by the light of the day. cos it's pouring now (which means i can't go for lunch anytime soon) and the sky is overcast and anw the days are so short here.. how am i going to studyyyy tonight? AH. AHHHH. (is this just an excuse??) man i won't be surprised if more terrible things happenn. drearryy.
Monday, November 27, 2006
been busy mugging. kind of. haha. exams are coming.
received my essay back (my one and only essay this sem that's worth 40% o_O)
quite relieved to know that asian students don't fare worse. haha. didn't do spectacularly well but above average (or at least the average the lecturer told us)
let's see where i've been the past week. i can't remember o_O
AH. sunday was the match between chelsea and man u. both drew. some people tried dragging me to watch at the bar in our halls but i was studyingg! studdying!
saturday was a busy day but i can't remember why. i woke up late. barely did any work then went for nurul's and aliaa's party. wore my sareee. it's damn hard to wear, i look fat o_O haha but the food was good. nurul is an amazing cook. i love the orange, mint, pomegranate salad. and the black pepper chicken that aliaa cooked. ahh. and all the hari raya cookies and sweets. fattening but good. hehe. everyone went mad and decided to gif me a name cos chinese names are hard to remember, and some of the people were having trouble. there was letchmi o_O (cos i was wearing a saree); there was betty (don't ask), i can't rmb.. angelina? haha. okk but i think my name is nice enough okk. so there.
friday. went to the german market. YUM. i had apple strudel with cinamon cream (delicious) and vanilla sauce! haha. and my frens had crepe with banana and nutella. and the dutch pancakess. can't remember what u call them. pflerroteS? haha.. some weird spelling. then they went to drink err.. the german drink.. gerveich? i'm making this up. and they kept the mug cos it's so pretty. i shld do that nxt time. then we went to the asian food fairrr. haha.. had yummy chi food though eddy says it's all chi takeaway o_O but the sushi rice was damn gd!! they put smoked salmon (Which scotland is famous for btw) and seaweed in it. ahhh.. i had half a plate of ricee.. and curry and swt and sour pork and black pepper beef and swt potato soup and a whole lot of irrelevant, non-asian sweets (desserts).
thursday was the xmas light up. it was drizzling and cold. COLD. u get the idea. we stood in the open watching. but it was gorgeous. norway gave edinburgh a pine tree for (something) and they hung lights on it so it became a xmas treee =) it was the opening of THE outdoor skating rink on princes st as well. and they had famous skaters.. some famous guy who was amazinggly graceful and superb. this couple dancers who glided on the ice to the beautiful ballad and make u feel all fuzzy and warmm despite the insistent rain and chilly wind. the amazing 13 year old junior skater. the snowman skater. the sync skaters which was AMAZING. how do like 10 ppl skate in such synchrony? and they wear amazingly little. haha! oh yeahh and the female skater from peter pan on ice (which is coming to edinburgh this january) is AMAZING.. haha man i need to brush up on my vocabulary. but she felll =( and got soaking wet.. but her moves were so beautiful.. ahhh. and it was so wonderful when the fireworks erupted into the sky. so beautiful.. and when the 7 year old girl flicked the switch for the light up, and the whole dark st was suddenly illuminated, the huge ferris wheel behind me beside the cathedral like monument, the little rides scattered along the street, the trees lined with lights. the trees are full of starlight.. (that's from les mis) i felt so blissfully happy and christmassy. and christmas music all abound. ahhh. i want to learn to ice skate all of a sudden. haha!
i can't remember the rest.. it's too long ago.. haha. yay.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
willow tea room. smoked scottish salmon sandwich. apple tea. glasgow school of art. tribal art. magazine on digital drawing - lost. little children on a school trip. sauchiehall street. grid of neatly intersecting roads. wrong turn down st vincent's place. george square! statues. pigeons. pigeons. pigeons. huge christmas tree. snow sled. glass house of statues. back to winsley owens. tea at chapter house. yummy rocky road. marshmellows. fine almond slices. dripped with chocolate, set on a crumbly, crunchy base. mm. princes square. escalator from the street directly into the mall. huge huge huge christmas tree. sparkly lights. holy wreaths. i mean holly wreaths. chocolates in ruck sacks. scots. scots books and scots words at waterstones'. became a drich day. rain pattering. looking out of the bus window to an amazing darkness filled with evanescent orange lights dancing through the magnification of uneven raindrops on the window. home at edinburgh.
Friday, November 17, 2006
went to cambridge last wkend. i had so much to say while i was there. staying in rui's room. having the posh dinner at fitzbillies. having tons and tons of chocolate cakess. eating freshly-made fudge from the fudge kitchen. having a formal! (AH) dressing up and dressing up... hanging arnd wif rui, hanging arnd wif nic, listenin to band prac, (AH) playing cluedo o_O, talking, climbing the mound, visiting the fitzwilliam museum, exploring the rodin's exhibition at kettle's yard, attempting to watch the crucible at the round church. it's such a rui-nic-xin thing to do.
i miss rui and nic so much =( seeing them and leaving them makes it worse =( cambridge days were happy days. AH. okk. stop thinking about it.
i love rui and nic!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
monday jieying and her friends from ucl came to edinburgh. (ok let me sidetrack) i think it's so cool they travel around so much together, like they've been to cambridge,to oxford, to the highlands (which i, in scotland, haven't been to o_O) and around glasgow. it's like errr we keep asking around to make sure everyone can go, and in the end, it's too late to go, it's really silly, honestly.. okk but next week we're going to glasgow. i don't care. haha~ ANW i met them first after dinner at palmyra (a kebab place), then we went for fried mars bars again! hehe. that's 2 consecutive nights of fried mars bars. but it's good. the toffeee just melts in ur mouth as u go crunch into the batter, and then the sweet blend of chocolate and toffee slides down ur throatAH. i'm addicted to it. then i went to make my railcard (irrelevantly). long storyy.
tuesday. was so slpy i went to slp right after breakfast, waking up only for class at 11.30am o_O haha. then went to join jieying and friends after class at arthur's seat, brought them halfway up, okay maybe a quarter way up cos they only had half an hour, and the view's gorgeous from there anyway. it was quite fun. we took jumping shots. like ppl jumping and we snap (i'm relaly lousy at that)haha. but there was this guy who was brilliant at it. so we had really cool photos, with the mountains (one of scotland's various mountains) as the backdrop, and the city spreading behind, and the people looking as if they were flying, and everyone looked positively happy =) then they had to go offf. so we bade them farewell =(
today'ss an exciting dayy. i feel pretty excited. haha. cos i'm going to bake.. so far i only have an oven which i borrowed from a friend. it's mini so i wonder how many batches i have to do o_O and i need to get a fork (to stir the batter) and 2 big bowls (to mix the batter in) and various ingredients. wonder what i'm going to do with so many eggs though o_O ah weelll. what to dooo.. i love baking =)
Monday, November 06, 2006
another dreary grey day. it was a little grey on saturday, quite grey on sunday, and really grey today. ah well. but today is mummy's birthday!! i managed to wish her birthday at 12am on the dot. she must be having dinner now or soon. then after dinner, we'll wait for daddy to come home, and we'll all sing her a birthday song, except me. maybe i'll secretly singg here and maybe the strains of my voice will be carried by the wind halfway across the globe =P
otooi wa yokka dshita.
woke up really late - a usual saturday morning thing. well but the day got interesting. supposed to meet yoch at 2.30pm outside the chinese supermarket with jo and yy. but jo had to study and yoch was err i dunno, so we changed to 3.30pm. we were slightly late, took such a long time deliberating over what noodles to get, and bumped into yoch's fren (whom yoch talked to for some time), so by the time we got all our ingredients, the sun had set - like literally cos the sun sets here at about 5pm o_O well anw the party is supp to start at like 5pm o_O so we rushed back to yoch's place, it's not funny carrying like 1kg worth of grocery, braving the impossibly strong wind (like everytime it blows, jo and i get buffeted. it's not funny seriously, and running across the huge Meadows. (as in the place is called the Meadows o_O) well we had a little teeny problem with the curry chicken, ie yoch who was supp to teach us and who learnt it the day before kind of forgot the receipt. so yy and i just mixed everything tgt and hoped it worked out. it didn't really taste right. haha! well it was ok. we had lots of mini-disasterss, the drying of the noodless (with a hairdryer by william) and how the electricity tripped every 5 mins, so we had to station hianliang at the main switch o_O, the plucking of the beansprouts (and the thereafter giving up). haha. but anw in the end, it was all polished off by 12 hungry ppl =P the szechuan noodles were highly valued =P yays. it was good ok.. and of cos our beloved finale - our 6 tubs of ice cream.. phish food, chunky monkey, oh my apple pie, dublin mudslide, bailey's!! and strawberry from haagen dazs (the one with the gorgeously yummy strawberry chunks which i made kenny buy for me but william polished it off =( but i am nice and generouss and i admit i ate ahemm qutie a bit.) okk it was haevenly. boy do i love ice cream =)
kinoo wa itsuka deshita.
went to the gym to burn off the icecream - need i say more? haha.
then it's guy fawkes' day. didn't really think we'll be doing much, cos everyone was so nua today. so i (tried to) study and went for an early dinner. we were trying to psyche everyone to go up arthur's seat to watch (and set off hopefully) fireworks. ok but we din get fireworks (quite sad). but anw, the fireworks were cool. there were the noisy ones that end in an anticlimax nothingness, the sparkly ones, the erupt into flames, and the little flames then erupt into a burst of stars. the pretty purply ones. the ones that stroke across the sky, leaving behind glittery dust. the ones that make interesting squiggles in the sky and manymany more. it was all around me. here a bang, there a whoosh, we were stuck at thebottomish of the hill cos we were so awed, and we couldn't focus enough to climb. haha. it was so pretty. u guys got to see it man. and like we looked over the city, the orange sodium lamps dotting the landscape, tracing innumerous roads, and then across the city, as if in a universal common thought, fireworks erupt everywhere. and from halfway up the hill, it seems as though the lights are escaping form the streets into the black crisp air in an attempt to reach their fellow stars. it's so pretty. but all the photos look stupid. haha! cos we haf shaky hands, and cos the 'night' mode of the camera, leaves the shutter open for a long timee. we haf some pretty cool effects though. anw talking about cameras, i took out my camera to capture the first firework of the night AND it said 'low battery' and konked out o_O ok enough said.
anw, we had to go. cos arthur's seat caught fire!!!! some ppl wre getting pretty drunk. i noe it's bonfire night but.. err they aim fireworks at a farside cliff with bushes and stuff, and it caught fire, and the fire spread up the whole side of the cliff. it was fascinating; it was magnificent but it was morbid. there were at least a few hundred people on the cliff that night. it was dark, some people were on top of the hill. if the fire went out of control, and people ran, there would have been a stampede, and we were all kinda trapped in the valley by the growing ring of spectators. 5 fire brigade trucks came wailing up the road, and firemen came running out. by then we could see huge billowing smoke and the red of the flame illuminating the whole hill. but that was only up one peak. we went to eat fried mars bars later (to make up for the interruptino of our fireworks gazing). i shared with yoch okk so it's not so bad =P and byt he time we returned to pollock and looked at the hill again, we could see fire up another peak as well. two peaks ablaze in the dark of the night. the trail of fire slowly creeping up the dry autumn vegetation. it was scary but a new experience no doubt. anw blhablahblah, by the time i actually got to slp, it was 2.30am.
and here i am, 9.30am in the morning, having woken up at 7.55am for breakfast. i have a char siew bao in my room, beside me now.. long storyy. and this entry has been far too long so..
jya mata~
Friday, November 03, 2006
i don't believe it's currently like 0 degrees celcius o_O. ok when i breathe out, there's condensation but it doesn't have to be 0 degrees right? haha. i think it's cos my room is like a sauna (and i don't know how to turn down the heater) so i'm sitting in my room, windows open, heater on full blast, wearing a skirt, slipperss and a thin sweater and feeling perfectly comfortablee. whee~
tutorial will prove to be boring. as always =( i dislike tutorials. i don't learn -anything- and we are forced to sit down and pay attn. kinda misss jc-style tutorials. ok like those bennylee kind at least, cos we actually learn sth new every class. and u don't exaclty haf to pay attn, cos it's such a big class the teacher can't really nitpick on everyone. here, i think the teachers seem to have no goal in mind about what they want to cover in the class. they just ramble on and do whatever they like just to fill up that 1h. i only go cos they take attendance and i can't miss more than 6 lessons. sighh.
but anyway, friday is exciting. nurul and i will be going to the continental market! i hope i buy lots of exciting stuffs. which reminds me, mummy received my parcel!!! i hope it was a pleasant surprise. hehe. i tried SO hard to refrain from telling her i sent her a parcel cos errr it was such an exciting thingg. i think everyone here is sick of hearing about my exciting parcel o_O okok then we'll be going for the intl students' reception at old college. i hope it's fun and there's gd food. hehe. i feel kinda thrilledd! dunno why also.. wheee~ and it looks like yet another sunny day=) i love sunny days!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
yesterday was halloween.
i didn't really dress up. just made a mask, and like wore a black dress and boots and went out. haha! din noe whether ppl were going out so din want to buy stuff an waste money. oh well, i'll dress up next yr, it's relaly fun =) kenny and justin were mad scientists (justin looks like the theoretical kind, ad kenny just looks like something blew up in his face, quoting yy's words) the girls din really do anything. william went as a pumpkin =) so cute.
we went to teviot place and it was -abit- sian cos there were only bars, no clubs there. and other than kenny who got himself a shot cos he was cold (ahh long story and it's all my fault =( ), the rest of us dun really drink.. but it was really cool. cos there were like sumo wrestlers, BABIEs, vampires, phantoms of the opera, robin hoods, bloody ppl, mummiess (which is really funny), supermen and women, i dunno, flint stones, sexy nurses and doctors, cross dressers, elvis presleyss, santa clauss, tennis players o_O in the freezing cold, wearing shorts isn't funny. and ohhhhhh TREEESS. haha jo's frens even went to buy robins to put in a nest on their hair (which was the crown of the tree) OK anw. we went to the hall and kinda danced. kinda. like the music wasn't very ermm dancey. i think. i guess it's a uk thing? shrugs. there was this drunk guy in a hawaii skirt and like UM bikini? dancing wif us.. and i was trying to drag yy away from himm.. i was so scared he would like hug yy and not let her go. haha. okk. but we were all safe. and we went home happily. did i mention it was cold?
kinoo, ki-on wa san do deshita. totemo samuiii~
err i'll post halloween photos soon. ah yes i forgot. they decorated my common room, and it looks DAMN cool. haha. like webs and sppooky ghostiess and pumpkins. haha. aAND they even decorated my dining hall. and the ppl serving food all haf masks and hats and stuff.. it's really cool. and the dssert was called the fly's cemetary. and like they served 'rats' stew' which was actually beef or sth. haha.. it says so in small print.. it's cool. lol. and i had caramel appless for breakfast.. whee~ i love halloween.
Monday, October 30, 2006
kyoo wa getsu yoo bi. san-jyuu nichi desu.
today is japanese shopping class. we're not having lessons today! the snrs have made and brought some japanese goods, like food!!! and i don't know. haha. then we'll be buying stuff (if we want) and we'll all converse in japanese. how cool! haha.. boy do i love japanese classes =)
kinoo wa nichi yoo bi deshita. ni-jyuu-kyuu deshita.
yesterday was a horrible day. i woke up, full of the resolution to make this a productive day, go gym, touch up my essay, blahblahblah. but i couldn't find the pg references for my essay, so i had to fake it (shh dun tell my teachers). i was about to leave for the gym when my fren called me to read her essay. that was okay actually cos i gave myself extra time at the gym. ok so i read the essay and i was about to leave with my fren (who was going to buy her lunch) when i realised i couldn't find my keys. both of us searched the whole place, rummaged through all the junk that accumulated in my room since last night, and nurul finally found it! so we hastily walked out, whne i felt my clothes getting wet, checked my bag, and my water bottle had emptied itself all over my clothes, and my towel o_O so i couldn't go to the gym after all, and i was like outside already. i felt pissed. so i walked wif nurul to get her lunch, and walked back o_O after brunch, i decided to try to go to the gym again. this time i got there safely. haha! but i was equally depressed cos i think i look very fat and true enough, i gained 1.5kg!! how is that possible within a week? o_O depressing day. i resolve to eat less potatoes.
otooi wa doyoobi deshita.
we had a halloween party that night. i decided i would go like that evening so i din haf anything to wear. so i just wore all black and wore black eye makeup to look gothic-ish. haha. not very successful i must say. haha! oh well but it was quite fun dressing up. and ppl came to my room to use my make up.. and we were taking lots of photoss. haha of cos my camera ran out of battery the moment i reached the party o_O (As usual) and i borrowed kenny's camera. but of cos he hasn't sent me the photoss. but i'll upload it as soon as i get them. promise! hehe.
lalalala. have a happy day today.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
yesterday started off brilliantly but ended disastrously.
skipped my friday diet of gym for a politics talk but the hall was too full so they din let us in. went home to skype but wireless connection died. went to pay my easter accom but they want to close the till and told the queue to go home o_O like wth man.
yess. but i've done referencing for one of my bookiess. 3 more books and a few journal articles to go o_O haha i don't feel like slping now though (nor doing my essay as u can tell)
i uploaded lots of newie photoies.
yess huiyan i miss u too!! take caree. i'll reply ur email soon =) yes and peixi and iris and yongjengs and chongs and ahh so many ppl. i gif up.
Friday, October 27, 2006
was supposed to be quite happening today and go for a politics talk by alastair campbell BUT we arrived too late (although on time) and the hall was full o_O pissed. i feel so unaccomplished now and i refuse to look at my essay again. he! dunno what i'll do thoughh. i feel like wandering aimlessly aboutt, but the sky looks threatening o_O
maybe i'll do my essay...
Thursday, October 26, 2006
i'm so happy cos i'm nearly done with my essay. i haf the *drumroollls* conclusion left =) yay. and i have like 200 words before i break the word limit. damn. how does one write a short conclusion? my essay is like my typical composition. a long, careful start with precise diction tapering towards a meandering, careless end with a hasty conclusion. ah well, that's a habit i got to change, and i've identified it, so that's half the battle. wheee~ err well ya. i hope i do well for my essay. man i sound like i so haf no life!! i've been talking about my essay non-stop for AGES.
i feel like going for some scottish mp talk. (amazing how i dun go for singapore rallies and i go for this) it's due to the upcoming scottish electinos i think. and it's for a climate bill. u noe, implementing policies for environmental sustainity instead of mere capitalism, all profit and no consideration. lol. oh yeahh. i'm begininng to regret not doing economics. huiyany huiyan, can u believe i have so much econs to learn, EEKS. and i was reading up on classical, neo-classical economists, keyness. our fav john maynard keyness. adam smithhss and jean-baptiste sayy. it was quite funny cos i wanted to say J.B. Say said something. and somehow it was in the present tense o_O or maybe future tense. so it was like Say says blahblahblah. halloween is coming. i feel like dressing up but i'm very stingy and refuse to buy fancy costumes o_O i mean i'm like 19? but anw there're quite a few halloween partiess. i want to go BUT i've nth fancy to wear. haha~ yay there's so much to look forward to after my essay. ohh i was supp to go for a performance by the rembrandt dance company, but nurul doesn't want to go now cos she wants to do her essay, and i dislike to go for performances alone =( eeks. ah well. =(
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
24th was yeun mi's birthday. on monday, we went to yy's room for the study group that jeffer proposed. doubt much studying went on in there though. haha. i was making a card for yeun mi! and i figured how to write 'happy birthday' in korean. so proud of myself. hehe. okie then jo and i met up with the rest of the koreans and japanese and we sneaked up to yeun mi's room and knocked on her door at 12am. i was terrified tt the fire alarm will go off despite masaya's constant assurance. haha. well it didn't. not even when she blew out the candles, not even when we attempted to relight the candles with a gusty wind blowing in from the window, sending black smoke swirling ominously towards the smoke detector!! cos yeun mi wanted to take a photo of the cake with litted candles.

This are yeun mi's pretty birthday cakess. kirei ne~

The japs and the koreanss =) looking at jo's camera. err yea i got to get the photos from her. minna wa ureshii ne =) chiooo waku waku =)
Sunday, October 22, 2006
the past few days have been drizzly and cloudy.
upstairs somewhere, someone's playing his electric guitar and singing.
i hear snippets of conversations: i want to write my essay. outside my door.
and yeah, i've spent the past week holed in my little room, reading loads, so i can do my essay =(
man i have no life. haha.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
and just as i was typing this, it err stopped o_O how odd.
yesterday was a long day.
a day of runaway boyfriends, crying girlfriends, of fire alarms, of drizzles, of fireworks in the sky, of ups and of downs.
amazing what one night can hold.
i'm tired.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
last saturday night, we had a movie marathon, it was me, jo, nurul and kenny. it was hilarious. we rented casanova cos we had nth to do at night andwe felt like doing sth, but the ancient dvd player in the common room wasn't working, so we went to my room and played it on my laptop which had the largest screen. then we felt like watching MORE, so we rented flightplan as well. then jo went to slp. then we went to nurul's room to watch rent, kenny slept after the opening song o_O and i watched lion king till i fell aslp o_O haha. returned to my room at 6am and slept until like 2pm the next day and conveniently missed brunch o_O so i had to make stuff to eat o_O and hence my sunday was wasted =P
monday and tuesday and wednesday, frantically researching and reading and researching and reading. i currently have like 3 books sitting at home, i've only read 1 (the other 1 was useless and i returned it (after reading all 129pgs of it)it was interesting nonetheless). did i mention that politicians LOVE to use long bombastic words? i had to check up eveyr other word. i swear the average word length is like fifteen letters. they use the most obscure terms. i guess i'll haf to learn too =( and today i'm meeting my grp to discuss quebec and i err haven't read ANYTHING about it. haha. i'll haf to catch up during my breaks later =P
oh yeahh i received my parcel on wednesday. thanks momm =) i love the clothes. i wore a white soft sweater today and my friend says it's nice =) though another fren said i look like a little lamb! like LAMB! okk. nvm. i spent the whole of wednesday trying to decide where i can put all my clothes and ararnging my whole wardrobe again =) *smiless* time-consuming yet enjoyable =) and monday night i received a letter from peixiiiiiiiii =) so happy. i love seeing mails in my mailbox. and wednesday night i received the long-awaited letter from rui and nic =) yay. i errr have been tardy in my reply. but err i'll hafta write my essay first =) yay. i think i'll haf to go download a pdf converter. i think i've to change my essay to pdf format. don't ask me why. stupid system. haha.
anw time to go back to reading and reading and reading and readingg =( sux.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
i bought some gorgeous (and expensive) chocs. i couldn't resist. okay i'm like savouring this passion fruit truffle now. it's heavenly. it looks heavenly. it's a white chocolate ball, an artistic aberration of a sphere, that has golden powder sprinkled lightly over it, so it glistens in the morning sun =) u bite into it, there's a crunch, and ur teeth sinks into the a rich filling of passion fruit truffle. oh, the glorious taste of it! i'm quite sad now that the whole thing is in my tummy =)
i bought 4 other flavours, blackberry, strawberry, whiskey! and and. erm i can't rmb. espresso! haha. BUT i met friends on my way home, and being the nice person i was, i offered some to them, and i have now lost the strawberry and either the whiskey or espresso one o_O sad =( i love chocolate. i spent more than 10 pounds on food at the farmers' market today, pure delicious snackss =) yummy. and i wonder why i'm getting fat. haha!!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
today is SO sunny it's impossible. i wonder if there'll be a blue moon tonight.
it's jap society night again! but i'm not going this time. it's a pub quiz and you gotta pay to go, so too bad. haha. my friends all not going too cos we're all decent non-drinkers. well non-excessive-drinkers anw. yays so i'll be free to think about my essay due in two weeks. DIE. haven't even chosen the question. ah. someone ans me. what on earth is the personal is the political anw? gah. and my notes suddenly have econs termss: comparative advantage will thus give way to absolute or competitive advantage. i'm like err. that's nice.
ANW something exciting happened today. not exciting per se. but well. i'll go on. i was walking home with a friend (as usual) and she bumped into another friend of hers. and then we were talking, and i was like, so how do u noe 'my friend', do u live in the same house? (my residence is like split into many houses! of which my fren's was the nicest and i nv fail to complain about the unfairness)and he was like 'no i live in blahblah house'. and i was like 'wow, can't be, so do i' and then he goes 'strange i nv see ya around, which floor do u live in' and i was like 'first', and he was like 'omg' and he kinda like spluttered and like asked 'do u happen to live like in room blahblahblah' and i was like 'omg, are u like my NEIGHBOUR?! are u (his name)' and he was like 'haha nice to meet u' o_O
that proves how antisocial i haf been since i've arrived. man i don't even recognize my next-dor neighbour. pray let me remember how he looks so i can at least wave and say hi next time without totally embarrassing myself like today o_O
and i still haven't solved the riddle of the mystery gift. oh wait i haven't blogged about it. here goes:
wednesday morning. i woke up at like 8plus then changed and brushed and showered and everything basically, then hurriedly left my room only to find a little pluto plushie hanging on my door handle outside with a tag on it that has my name printed on it and some artistic design in the background o_O scary. i've been asking around, and it's like from none of the singaporean/malaysian gang. and i'm not like close to anyone else i think. except maybe the jap girl. i think i'll ask her some time..
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
i was supposed to go to the gym on sunday but i didn't o_O
saturday, my seniors had a flat party, with yummy food, like wraps and nachos and finger food they made themselves. it was gorgeous. haha. i think i ate a lot. erps. went home pretty late, but decided not to go clubbing with them at 'espionage'. i kept hearing esplanade, which was quite funny. hurhur. but the clubs here have free entry, so shoik one. cos they noe the uk people will definitely drink =)
sunday, went shopping (as usual) and it was huiqi's birthday. happy birthday to u! so justin, her bf from glasgow (but who's perpetually here) held a celebration for her at night. he bought this HUGE chocolate cake, topped with mars bars chunks and slathered with chocolate icing, and the cake wasn't cake, it was like chocolate i swear, though it looks like sponge. then there were chocolate bits everywhere. ahhH. and i ate a huge slice. ok i didn't finish it cos i was feeling so sick at the end. haha. and there was still leftover. but it was quite sweet cos we all hid in someone's room, borrowed a lighter from our neighbour cos none of us smoke, covered the smoke detector, so we won't have to run out in the middle of the freezing night after lighting the candles, and switched off the light. then her bf led her blindfolded into the room, and we suddenly burst into song. she didn't suspect at all, which was really cool. haha. it was so nice.. we sat around and talked until like midnight or something. haha. everyone was so happy and everything. maybe it was that that made me realize these people will be my 'family' here. every night after school, i'll go 'home' and these people will be the ones who are there. i'm so glad we clicked. i can't imagine how it will be if my 'home' is full of amiable strangers. how strange that would be. they are my third family, after my real family, after my beloved rgssb family and this is my edinburgh family.
monday was boring.
tuesday a friend came to my room for a pillow talk. haha, that's what she called it. and it's so strange, how we know each other for barely a month and now we're confiding our fears in each other. i'm so glad i found these people. now i know where i can find a hug or a listening ear when i'm down. i feel blessed =) and it made me appreciate u guys in singapore a lot, a lot more, all the little things we do for each other, that is so hard to do now.
ok i think today will be another boring day. haha! but who knows?
PS hope rui is fine! heard she was injured while cycling o_O take care guyss..
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Thursday is a pretty cold day as well. Boy do I have a knack for understatement. Anyway, xin had a long day at school from 12 - 6 but xin happily ponned the 5-6 lect and went home after the 3-4pm lect. erps. then i went for the japanese society thingy at the Peartree Inn, which is this pub, got to know a few Japanese and I saw the big glorious moon, which reminds me of mid-autumn festival tomorroww....
Friday was horribly cloudy in the morning and nicely sunny in the afternoon. After gymming, Iwent home in a short-sleeved shirt because it was so warmm =) and nice. Ask Rui. It'S the kind of weather we had in Cambridge. Sunny and nicely windy. Then went to lunch/dinner? at biblio! which is this restaurant/bar with the tampines mp! but i was err a bit late, and sat at the far end and couldn't really take part in the discussion but i think she asked us for feedback to the governmetn which is really cool, like i don't know, haha, that we are actually important enough to err meet the mp. i think she footed the bill for lunch/dinner. erps. oh man i sound so bimbotic. ok. shut up. then we trooped off to a senior's house. it's HUGE and they pay only 275 pounds per person. it's HUGE i tell u, one guy's room is like the size of a living room, with a couch and 2 sofas, a humongous bed (wonder whyy) and a FIREPLACE! now i think my room is small. haha. anyway, they're having flatwarming on Saturday night then we can all go for free food again =) *smiles* Went to celebrate mid-autumn at St Augustine's Church. (after crashing someone's room to eat chocolates and half a tub of ice cream. yum. ) we ate moon cakes!!!!!!! ok, i was a bit worried i wouldn't get any, but we had lots, cos we knew the event organiser. HAHA. it's nice to know ppl. yay. and we trooped off to a club which had free entry before 11, so we went right before 11 and stayed till about 1plus. by the time i reached home it was like 2am o_O the music was not err very good. some people say it's cos it's a female dj. maybe. but it got better, and a bit more like singapore clubbing music. but it's true ppl dress VERY well here. (other than the asians who went with me, NO ONE was wearing jeans ok, like NO ONE) you know sometimes, in the middle of the freezing night, people wear halter and mini skirt and heels and walk out of the accomodation to the clubs which are at least a gd half an hr's walk cos to put ur coat in the claokrooom it costs ONE pound. sux. haha. but i'm not going to do that man. it's MAD. but anw, ppl here don't really dance, it seems, they like drinking a lot. the koreans danced quite madly though. haha i'm a bit amazed =) oh well, next time, i got to go to a bigger club and see.
xin feels compelled to go check out the nightlife in edinburgh but xin wishes she had better company =( i miss u guys..
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
today is a gorgeous day after all. it's 13 degrees now. i can sit in my room in a spag strap with the windows open. the sun's invading everywhere and the plants are gently swaying in the breeze. i want to go out jogging around the hill or have a picnic or something but EVERYONE i know is having class now =( sucks.
BUT anyway i feel really happy today =) i don't know why. maybe it's the weather. maybe cos i have so much time. i feel like doing everything all at one go. haha. little things. like the girl sitting next to me in class telling me she really likes my bra strap. or like how i got to know someone else doing both japanese AND international relations! and how people talked to me today (uk people) like i belong, like i'm not an international student if u get what i mean. usually, they ask me where i'm from, and go like 'wow, singapore' (and probably thinking 'so where the hell is that') but today, we just talked about normal stuff like lectures and like bitching about lecturers. HAHA.
today is really beautiful. i don't know how to describe it. maybe it's the way the green of leaves and grass looks like it's glowing. and the barely perceptible but constant motion of the plants. (did i mention my room overlooks TONS of vegetation?) and the beautiful blue sky. azure. peaceful. serenity. yet vibrant all together. it's amazing. i miss the rgssb girls =) i miss the clargals! and i miss tuan =) i want to show all of u this but it's not merely a visual thing so there's no point in me taking a photo. it's the whole atmosphere. the smells. the touch of the breeze. i want to share all these beautiful things with you!
over breakfast, the clouds in the sky vanished and sunlight cascaded down upon the mist. it seemed like the whole field was covered with sparkles of light off the morning dew. The grass on the hill was a glorious green and the sky promised of a good day.
and NOW, the sky is overcast again but the mist has cleared. the sun barely peeps through and the outside is still and dark.
someone, tell me WHY the weather changes SO rapidly here. so how am i supposed to decide what to wear? yesterday i went out when it was sunny, so i only brought a thin sweater, but it was FREEZING in the evening when i returned o_O no wonder everyone's been catching the fresher's flu. gAh.
Monday, October 02, 2006
sat. xin went to the farmers' market which was really nice and farmeyy. they had homemade jam and spice cake and cheese and yummy burgers and thingys called borders' tablet which is essentially caramel i swear but it's heavenly. they haf such lovely things i was sampling like all the jams they haf a million flavours i swear. i bought raspberry. it's DAMNnice. haha the lemon marmalade is damn nice too. so is like the three berries preserve =) and blackberry and blueberry and lemon curd and elderflowerr. it's amazing. whee~ ok i shld stop it. ya u get the idea..
okk i can't quite remember the rest. OH i had a picnic on the grass. and there were these 2 REALLY cute girlss. haha who kept disturbing the ppl playing football. so in the end they relented and passed the ball to her =P SO CUTE! haha~ err ya but. i think the rest of the day was quite mundane. OH and i bought a red and white skirt tt looks singapore-ish - so my frens say o_O haha~ oh well.
ok that's all for this rainy night.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
yesterday night, xin was scared stiff. just as she was sleeping, she saw a flash of blue light in the mirror and her laptop startup music began, but in a distorted manner. she nervously got up to check her laptop and err it switched on itself. so xin switched it off again and unplugged the outlet power o_O and hurriedly went back to slp. HAHA.
xin is considering going to japan for an exchange due to much prompting from her jap friend, megumi =) she promises to teach me jap and speak jap with me during dinners at pollock. xin is excited but wonders if stb will let me =( no harm brushing up my jap though =P
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
attended jap from 12 - 1pm. covered hiragana which i'm really really quite familiar with. but they played bingo using hiragana. it was quite fun =) haha and i won! but the teacher ran out of prizes o_O
then the long FOUR hrs break. went to the gym and ran more than FOUR km! haha. then went to the library to do my readingg o_O i feel like a mugger. haha but the reading was really interesting. it was on... globalization. the only topic i mugged for GP during As.
then it was logic. actually i'm quite interested in maths, okay don't laugh, and logic is potentially interesting (logic is the science of reasoningg that proposes a precise mathematical theory of the validity of arguments or something liddat). but the lecturer (the temporary lecturer) is very boring. he drones on and on, and when the students raise their hands, he ignores them for the whole lecture. haha. besides everything is in the lecture notes (they gaf us the whole semester's lect notes all in one go) and i can understand the notes PERFECTLY fine by myself o_O haha.
but today was a nice sunny day.
i love to see the sunlight streaming in through my window in the morning =)
and xin was helpful today.
she helped a shaky old lady cross the road.
the lady had a scottish accent.
xin is happy.
Monday, September 25, 2006
today is band prac day =(
there're people of all shapes and sizes, carry french horns, clarinets, trombones... off to practice even in the rain. wish i could join band but i have no instrument and i'm not about to spend 500 pounds on a lousy instrument. i miss the music but i think it's the people i miss the most, the eccentric band people. i guess it's cos i miss u guyss, my beloved rgssb'03 batch, that i feel so sad when i see these band ppl trooping off to band prac.
don't think we'll ever come together again to play. by the time i return to singapore, i probably can't play anymore =(
people playing for alumni, cherish it kk. i miss my instrument =(
Sunday, September 24, 2006
xin realises belatedly on fri night that she promised her newfound jap friend that she'll go through the sociology lecture tgt wif her fren at 8pm but we left the place at like TENpm. so she had to postpone the meeting till tmr morning. xin feels guilty. the walk home was so amusing cos julian was there. and we kept bumping into sexily clad girls going 'heyy julian' and then we'll have to stand there (in the cold night) and talk to the people. haha. and julian was stinky cos he played badminton the whole afternoon and din bathe and he kept trying to rub off his stink on us gals. ew. and xin bathed before coming out.
on sat morning, xin had a jap breakfast wif her jap friend, megumi, who has jap snacks =) we went thru the lect together and xin prays fervently she has explained everything correctly. xin is happy to make a new friend =) and hopes to be able to converse to her in jap one day =)
on sat afternoon, xin ate a chinese buffet. it's quite expensive but decent for uk food, it's like 6.99pounds. i ate so much my friends were err shocked. HAHA. yeah. i guess they didn't realise xin can have such a huge appetite. *grinz* i love the jellies. and i ate ice cream. finally. i miss eating ice cream. the jellies came in like 7 colours or something, and i took all of them. okay, i shared them with a friend, but it's so nice, cos they all have different flavours =) xin went shopping after. not really shopping because we walked around and didn't get anything because some people wanted to get phoness and xin was highly bored.
on sat night, xin was so excited because her skype and webcam works. xin wishes that she can view other people's webcams though =( xin slept at 4am. o_O
on sun, xin woke at 11am and was shocked. because she had to rushhh off to a bbq. it was a rainy, dreary, drizzly, misty, scary (u get the idea) day. it was raining but xin was lazy to take out her umbrella so xin looked like she bathed by the time she got to the place. xin ate a lot, as usual, mainly meatt. xin decides she LOVES sambal fish. yumm. i ate quite a lot. SHH dun tell the people okk, no wonder the fish disappeared so fast. then we went to crash a fren's place, and i ate cookies and chocolate. erps. and then i went back to have a HUGE dinner and tried rice pudding, which is quite gross, cos it's like rice, it tastes nice i guess, but the thought that it's actually mashed up rice plus cream and who knows what makes me grossed out so i din eat the pudding, but i ate the peaches on top =P
xin loves eating. yum.
xin has to go to the gym tomorrow o_O
Friday, September 22, 2006
Hobbes said that all humans are innately selfish, in his words, 'nasty' and 'brutish'. Yet, my lecturer proclaimed otherwise today. Apparently, sociological research has shown that even in the face of adverse circumstances, social order remains. She showed us this photo of men queueing up with containers in their hands. It was taken right after the 2006 tsunami, and these people were fishermen queueing up for petrol for their motorboats so they could go fishing and not starve to death. They knew that there wasn't enough petrol to go around, and they knew that if they were the unlucky few who couldn't get petrol, not only they, but their families would starve as well. YET there were no fights, only patient queueing. Amazing, isn't it?
My lecturer said a lot more. That was a rather superficial and isolated example of the issue she expounded on today but it's enough to make me think.
I felt a bit -idunno- insufficient? trivial? frivolous? to think about all these.
Thursday, September 21, 2006

Yeah it's just a hill. My room is really pretty decent but there are better ones, like the one which is so modern they have motion-sensored corridor lights and card keys. The food's pretty much okay now but guess I'll be sick after a year of the same food =) So now, I'm taking advantage of all the Fresher's week's events and getting free meals. HAHA. Yeah. The alcohol here is really dirt cheap, no wonder people get wasted like everyday here. It's not so bad now that school has started, and the poor medics have classes everday 9am to 5pm.
Went to climb the hill the other day. It's called Arthur's Seat and it has a gorgeous view. Climbing was rather freaky cos we went up the (wrong) narrow path and ended up at a cliff and had to climb the rock wall o_O and we did that more than once. Haha. I'm glad my fellow climbers were nice and gave me a hand. I gotta practise climbing more often then when anyone comes to visit me I'll be pro =P
The people here are nice, they always say hello even if they don't really recognize you cos apparently all Asians look the same here o_O But it's cool cos I got to know so many people from so many countries, Palestinians, Dutch, Americans, Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Hong Kong people, Taiwanese, Pakistanis, Germans, Italians. Okay but I don't really remmeber everyone. I just hope I do and if I don't, I wave and smile anyhow. HAHA.
School began on Tuesday. I was really looking forward to beginnign my courses! Haha, Japanese is pretty boring cos I've done everything before and I'm doing it just so I can slack a bit and concentrate on the others but it's really nice. I'm thinking of running for the student rep for my Jap class. Sociology and Political Science is really funky. I'm starting Sociology proper tomorrow and it's quite freaky cos I've to prepare so much for lecture. I've done the readings but I still can't really answer the 'essential questions' on the lecture description they gave us. SIgh. I hope I'll survive.
Oh and I've joined the gym! Which is so posh (to me). They have LCD screens on all their treadmills that have TV shows on them and they have so many rooms, circuit gym, performance gym, olympic gym, a pool and so much. I think I want to go for aerobics class or something. Haha. Today this guy was showing me how to use the weights machine. Erps. I feel a bit ignorant. and worse still, when I was doing the bicep curl and tricep extension, which I used to do in Singapore, I couldn't even lift the lightest weight. Like wth. My muscles must have really deteriorated!! Either that, or the 9kg is actually like 18kg or something. HAHA. I vaguely recall I used to do 14kg o_O
And from tomorrow on, xin will write proper detailed entries cos now xin can't exactly remember what happened the past two weeks.
xin misses everyone.
i love the sun at cambridge
and xin left cambridge for edinburgh...
and xin arrived in london =)