Tuesday, September 26, 2006

today was a waste of time.
attended jap from 12 - 1pm. covered hiragana which i'm really really quite familiar with. but they played bingo using hiragana. it was quite fun =) haha and i won! but the teacher ran out of prizes o_O
then the long FOUR hrs break. went to the gym and ran more than FOUR km! haha. then went to the library to do my readingg o_O i feel like a mugger. haha but the reading was really interesting. it was on... globalization. the only topic i mugged for GP during As.
then it was logic. actually i'm quite interested in maths, okay don't laugh, and logic is potentially interesting (logic is the science of reasoningg that proposes a precise mathematical theory of the validity of arguments or something liddat). but the lecturer (the temporary lecturer) is very boring. he drones on and on, and when the students raise their hands, he ignores them for the whole lecture. haha. besides everything is in the lecture notes (they gaf us the whole semester's lect notes all in one go) and i can understand the notes PERFECTLY fine by myself o_O haha.

but today was a nice sunny day.
i love to see the sunlight streaming in through my window in the morning =)

and xin was helpful today.
she helped a shaky old lady cross the road.
the lady had a scottish accent.
xin is happy.

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