Yeah it's just a hill. My room is really pretty decent but there are better ones, like the one which is so modern they have motion-sensored corridor lights and card keys. The food's pretty much okay now but guess I'll be sick after a year of the same food =) So now, I'm taking advantage of all the Fresher's week's events and getting free meals. HAHA. Yeah. The alcohol here is really dirt cheap, no wonder people get wasted like everyday here. It's not so bad now that school has started, and the poor medics have classes everday 9am to 5pm.
Went to climb the hill the other day. It's called Arthur's Seat and it has a gorgeous view. Climbing was rather freaky cos we went up the (wrong) narrow path and ended up at a cliff and had to climb the rock wall o_O and we did that more than once. Haha. I'm glad my fellow climbers were nice and gave me a hand. I gotta practise climbing more often then when anyone comes to visit me I'll be pro =P
The people here are nice, they always say hello even if they don't really recognize you cos apparently all Asians look the same here o_O But it's cool cos I got to know so many people from so many countries, Palestinians, Dutch, Americans, Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Hong Kong people, Taiwanese, Pakistanis, Germans, Italians. Okay but I don't really remmeber everyone. I just hope I do and if I don't, I wave and smile anyhow. HAHA.
School began on Tuesday. I was really looking forward to beginnign my courses! Haha, Japanese is pretty boring cos I've done everything before and I'm doing it just so I can slack a bit and concentrate on the others but it's really nice. I'm thinking of running for the student rep for my Jap class. Sociology and Political Science is really funky. I'm starting Sociology proper tomorrow and it's quite freaky cos I've to prepare so much for lecture. I've done the readings but I still can't really answer the 'essential questions' on the lecture description they gave us. SIgh. I hope I'll survive.
Oh and I've joined the gym! Which is so posh (to me). They have LCD screens on all their treadmills that have TV shows on them and they have so many rooms, circuit gym, performance gym, olympic gym, a pool and so much. I think I want to go for aerobics class or something. Haha. Today this guy was showing me how to use the weights machine. Erps. I feel a bit ignorant. and worse still, when I was doing the bicep curl and tricep extension, which I used to do in Singapore, I couldn't even lift the lightest weight. Like wth. My muscles must have really deteriorated!! Either that, or the 9kg is actually like 18kg or something. HAHA. I vaguely recall I used to do 14kg o_O
And from tomorrow on, xin will write proper detailed entries cos now xin can't exactly remember what happened the past two weeks.
xin misses everyone.
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