24th was yeun mi's birthday. on monday, we went to yy's room for the study group that jeffer proposed. doubt much studying went on in there though. haha. i was making a card for yeun mi! and i figured how to write 'happy birthday' in korean. so proud of myself. hehe. okie then jo and i met up with the rest of the koreans and japanese and we sneaked up to yeun mi's room and knocked on her door at 12am. i was terrified tt the fire alarm will go off despite masaya's constant assurance. haha. well it didn't. not even when she blew out the candles, not even when we attempted to relight the candles with a gusty wind blowing in from the window, sending black smoke swirling ominously towards the smoke detector!! cos yeun mi wanted to take a photo of the cake with litted candles.

This are yeun mi's pretty birthday cakess. kirei ne~

The japs and the koreanss =) looking at jo's camera. err yea i got to get the photos from her. minna wa ureshii ne =) chiooo waku waku =)
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