Time flies. And I still miss everyone... it's so strange how I won't be flying back.Stepping into that house.Dreading all the household chores and the bugs that have settled in over summer.THOSE WOODLICE.And then meeting up for tea at Kilimanjaro or Beanscene or someone's flat.Found some miscellanous photos taken over the last half year or so.Random memories unaltered by Photoshop (just cos I can't be bothered to).They may be blur, not artistic or whatever but they remain a special part of me.
Snapshot 1: Supper. An almost daily occurrence usually in the wee hours of the morning. Apple pie from Farmfoods and a scoop of Haagen- Dazs Bailey's, not that you can see the rest of the tub, which we managed to finish as well.
Snapshot 2: Oreo smilie. Tea break at Nurul's. One of our countless dissertationsessions with yummyfood. Rahima and Nurul and I with mugs of tea, 3 laptops and a constant chatter.
Snapshot 3: Happy chocolatebread family <3 Lots of love from Nurul and I. A lesson on what to do when you get sick of studying.
Snapshot 4: Sunset at Arthur's Seat.I miss having such a beautiful place just 15 minutes from my place.
Snapshot 5: Botanic Gardens. I know I said I'll go back when the flowers are out. Maybe someday I will..
Snapshot 6: Scottish weather. Self-explanatory.
Ok I gotta go out. So.. will continue this next time. Hehe. Didn't expect -that- many photos. BUt the more I look at them, the more I want to talk about them. Every one of them. They all seem equally important.
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