Tuesday, February 25, 2025

read: 斗破苍穹

Took me a few months of intensive reading to finish this series but it was so addictive I stopped reading everything else. I guess it's the typical story of a hero, who through many coincidences, obtain heroic powers. But it's his hard work and not talent that makes him more endearing. He also meets an amazing number of gorgeous girls along the way, which is a bit odd but kind of helps the story along. Will recommend.

read: sapiens

A simple to read but long story of humans evolution, questioning what have we actually achieved for ourselves other than more diseases and longer working hours.

There was a section on pursuing happiness, culminating in the Buddhist belief that it's the pursuit of happy feelings that makes one's life perpetually unhappy.

It ends with a scary picture of a future where we slave for machines/ AI who control the world, a world that they can no longer explain to us, like how we cannot explain how wall street works to a monkey

Thursday, February 20, 2025

long time gone by Charlie donlea

Easy to read thriller with plenty of action
A little unnecessary with the detailed write ups of the heroine's cross fit obsession but otherwise good relaxing read.