Sunday, October 27, 2024

read: 太白星金有点烦

I love the irony of the office politics in the celestial setting and some of the common office headaches: reimbursements, writing reports, bureaucracy, backstabbing.

1. One action but split into 4 reports to write as though you completed 4 projects
2. Reimbursement is late according to policy but it's ok cos it's a P00 project from above
3. Vague instructions from management due to not wanting to be explicit in interfering with the politics
4. Nepotism: only works if you have a backing

But I thought it was really sweet he puts in some principles. How the monk left his body to pursue the real decoding, how thr God left part of his soul to reincarnate and experience life, how there's real collaboration and sentiments between the guanyin and him.