Monday, October 21, 2013

Great invention-to-be

2. An app that could talk to you while you pretend to text someone

Everyone experiences those times when they are waiting on someone else and have to break the awkwardness of standing alone. Most people take out their iPhone and text someone. As for me, I just stand there like an idiot. I want to text someone or have any communication with another live person, but there is never anybody to talk to. This dope ass app will let you talk about something with a complete stranger until your date shows up (or not depending). You can debate common controversial topics, discuss current events, or just chat about your day. Its like the best friend you never had and it only costs $1.

Totally viable, and totally in demand.

Friday, October 11, 2013


When I think Azerbaijan, I remember that one Eurovision contest I watched where Azerbaijan won (and fairly so) and I remember thinking where's Azerbaijan - is it.. part of Europe?

Then read this article about their despotic leader.. despotic and not very cleverly so.

He won the most recent democratic elections.
And the election results were announced... one full day before the voting began.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The difference between the British and the Americans

20 British words that don't mean the same in the US

Totally resonated with me.
Especially chips.. took me a while to get used to saying crisps. And really chips is still easier to say.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


These days you see too many articles and stories about school drop-outs who make it big.
I don't disagree, but I do want to say that while many(?) world-changing people out there are school drop-outs, many school drop-outs don't make it big.

I doubt the relationship between school drop-out and world-changer is a causal one, however far removed.

There's a name for this kind of fallacy that I learnt in university but I don't remember.
And somehow this reminds me of David Hume.
And also that story about the balloon and the car.
And that story about how people who don't eat seafood are more likely to be murderers.
And of course, the democratic peace theory.

PS Fallacy is called cum hoc ergo propter hoc for whoever cares.
Doesn't sound familiar at all though...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

You may gamble away your money, but you should never gamble your friendship.

A heartening post by CEO of Jizi Hotel.

  1) 我觉得企业要是真的没做好,我不配拿钱;当然,我要让事实证明我是不是那么的无能;
  2) 在08年金融危机的时候,企业那么难,我的投资人那么信任我,所以我有100个道理要回报他们的信任,哪怕老子颗粒无收;
  3) 公司里的兄弟们不容易,如果企业万一没做好,我能以我的牺牲换来大家的小康生活,值了。就算我到时候没有饭吃,他们也不会让我饿死;
  4) 凯雷的老张人也不错,他也不会太为难我,只要说得过去,他不会让我光屁股;
  5) 我没本事,但是围住了一帮兄弟,虽然大多没加过面,每次都住我的酒店照顾我的生意,所以我不会做得太差。


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

On leave.

I like being on leave.

The feeling that you can wake up whenever you want.
The feeling that it doesn't matter how you spend your day.
That quiet quiet feeling because nobody is around.
The peace.

I guess it's not so much that I hate going to work but I like going on leave.

Monday, February 04, 2013


I must say I've left the Social Media field for a while now.
But I do remember little bits about how people can try to improve their blog ratings or things like that..

Well.. I just found it rather unusual when there were like 9 comments on this practically defunct blog. I mean.. I post like on an average of once a month with long periods of inactivity. I don't proclaim to be an interesting writer so it is kind of odd. Not to mention, some of the comments on how it's insightful, or it's a great tip or blah.. when all I did was to post someone else's song. Lovely song no doubt. Not particularly insightful on my part I must say though.

Thanks for visiting the blog.
Hey.. maybe when  I'm bored, I'll check yours out. Till then.. tata.

PS I do appreciate the ONE person who left a comment on the 'braindead' people comments. Totally agree with you. Maybe you have the same objective as them but I appreciate you actually noticing the irrelevance of it all... Cheers.