exams were over. ahh so long. so much happened. slowly retracing my steps.
15th dec was like the worst day of the year or sth. well close. i heard things i didn't want to hear. i sat for a TERRIBLE exam. dinner at arowana was pretty good but it made me feel worse cos everyone was so cheerful, it being the holidays, and that being our xmas- cum- new- yr- cum- everything-cos-everyon'es-returning-to-their-home-country-dinner, and nurul and i were juz grumpy and didn't feel like talking to everyone and being sulky and not feeling like smiling and feeling reallyreally guilty for being a wet blanket =( sorry folks. bad day. then had the girls' slp over which rox. seriously. we watched constantine, and we intended to watch legally blonde but we never made it. HAHA. like we were supposed to walk over to yy's room to watch it but everyone was settled happily on my floor, and we were talking, listening to old cheesy music like backstreet boys! talking was so wonderful. haha. it's a girl thing i guess. talking and talking about everything and anything. ppl took turns to fall aslp and then finally it was 6am, time to take the train to manchester...
16th dec started terribly. all 3 of us (hl, kenny and i) were like concussed. hl slept like a few hrs, kenny and i both din slp - hl and kenny went clubbing and i was (as above) having the slpover. we err missed the train. ok let's not describe it. it was a painful experience (for kenny). we got there, met GARRICK!!! haven't seen him for so long.. then he walked us to his place which was damn far away and NOT at all 400m despite his constant assurance that it was. it's like at least 1km oks. and it's not funny carrying a big bag (my luggageee). we had good dim sum. haven't had dim sum for like soooooooooo long like 3 months, since the imf-amazing-race-stb-thingy-dimsum-at-crystal-jade. then we err. nua-ed around till dinner. what did we eat.. err like fried chicken and chips (british chips - i.e. fries) no vege anw.
17th dec. ah 17th dec! i wanted to email a friend but ermms i forgot. oopz. we had big english breakfast (or we wanted to) but in the end we settled for beer and burger (but we din get beer - who drinks beer in the morning - the brits?!) and sunday roast, yummy sunday roast in yorkshire puddingss. mms. dunno what we did but we had a gorgeous chinese dinner, i had beef hor fun! can u believe it? reminds me of ghim moh times. anw i'm fed up of writing in details cos i can't actually remember what we did.. so i'm going to summarise.
museum. t-rex. apes. egyptians. the world. old trafford. manchester united. trophies. stadium. grass. red cafe. town hall. christmas market. university of manchester. gay pubs. canal street. chinatown.arndale. odeon. eragon. manchester eye. library. well not much after alll. and nights and nights and nights of watching stupid movies i think my iq has deterioratedd. then offfffie to london on the 21st.
shitty time on 21st morning. the airport confiscated ALL my stuffss like toothpaste, lip balm, perfumess, soapss, shampoos, moisturiser, water, my fork.
...to be continuedd. when i feel like it.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
morning. irritated. my previous post was erased o_O cos my internet connection died. anwss i kinda gaf up mugging o_O went to jo's room and we talked till like 2am. actually until 1.30am but the fire alarm kindly interrupted us so we stood shivering in the cold for half an hr before returning. grr. i do hate those stupid drunkards who set off the fire alarm. if they set it off tonight again, i'm going to scream, cos unlike -some- people, i still have a paper tmr. seriously. and they set it off at THREE am the night before my 9am Logic paper (which is a bit like mathematics)
anwws i remember why i wanted to postt. cos i uploaded photoss. at least till the cambridge trip cos i errr am too lazy to upload the glasgow photos and the bubble tea photo and the nurul's party photos and the jap party photo and the baking attempt 2 phtoos. i'm trying to upload to blogger but it doesn't work grr. umm i'll do it soon.. lala.. maybe after my examss. eeks. so busyy. i think i don't want to study le.. i'll go play pool after going to the bank (can u believe the bank lost my THIRD application form so i'll be doing my fourth today.. seirously what is wrong wif them? or what is wrong wif me?)

anwws i remember why i wanted to postt. cos i uploaded photoss. at least till the cambridge trip cos i errr am too lazy to upload the glasgow photos and the bubble tea photo and the nurul's party photos and the jap party photo and the baking attempt 2 phtoos. i'm trying to upload to blogger but it doesn't work grr. umm i'll do it soon.. lala.. maybe after my examss. eeks. so busyy. i think i don't want to study le.. i'll go play pool after going to the bank (can u believe the bank lost my THIRD application form so i'll be doing my fourth today.. seirously what is wrong wif them? or what is wrong wif me?)

ahh it worked. okkk above is me in the newnham gown =)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
it's me again =) on 12th dec. rui's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! yesterday was tuan's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i miss celebrating birthdayss. hmm okk.
today i'm studying japp. jappy. jappy. basically i spent 1h finishing err most of it. so i've the rest of the day freeeee. and i'm not going to start on politics. nono. eww. today is japaneseee. maybe i'll write a japanese notee to megumi~ she wrote me a reply that i could barely understand the last time though.. hahaa! i shall think very hardd and write a nice replyy. or watch anime the rest of the day - sounds good =) yays.
ahh everyone's back in singapore it seems. can't believe i'm still having exams =( can't wait till i reach london and see nic and see zun again and feel a little more normal.. till thenn~
today i'm studying japp. jappy. jappy. basically i spent 1h finishing err most of it. so i've the rest of the day freeeee. and i'm not going to start on politics. nono. eww. today is japaneseee. maybe i'll write a japanese notee to megumi~ she wrote me a reply that i could barely understand the last time though.. hahaa! i shall think very hardd and write a nice replyy. or watch anime the rest of the day - sounds good =) yays.
ahh everyone's back in singapore it seems. can't believe i'm still having exams =( can't wait till i reach london and see nic and see zun again and feel a little more normal.. till thenn~
Sunday, December 03, 2006
it's the 3rd. haha what's with the weekly postss?
tuesday. went to the jap society end-of-sem party at club massa. good music, nice dance floor, but no one dancing. haha except for the friends i went with (my classmates who take japanese) and i o_O haha. they were great company though. haha and i kind of had fun i guess dancingg and dancing.. although err it got a little strange cos it was just us. haha~
thursday, went to kiru (my snr)'s birthday party. she's 21. happy belated! it was at frankenstein, a pub/ club where she worked. pretty big place with 3 floors. haha. met one fo my classmates there who was looking for her bf in the huge place.. hahaa. everyone was dressed so poshlyy. haha. cos the dress code was red carpet. haha the guys were in suits and stuff. quite cool. haha. i wore jo's dress =) i love dressing up =) reminds me of nic and rui.. haha. they constantly played a film called 'bride of frankenstein' there, it's quite alarming. haha~ and everyone was taking photos, chatting or drinkingg.. their bar specialty is a drink called (guess..) 'bride of frankenstein' haha.. but it's really good. it's like bailey's with CHOCOLATE!!!!!! yummm. then the snrs realised they forgot to buy a cake o_O so they ran to tesco to get a plain chocolate cake, which they decorated, quite well i must say.. haha.. and the cake was deliciouss.. anything that has chocolate in it is delicious *beamss* supposed to go clubbing at faith after that but errr we got stuck at kiru's house chatting and we deided to go home. haha. it was drizzling and terribly windyy. when i say windy i mean windy. at one point of time, while kenny and i were walking to the pub, we were blown such that we couldn't control where we were going.. i was pushed full speed into a fence, luckily the wind stopped before i crashedd o_O lucky. not fun to crash into a wet fence in a nice prom dress okk. i had to hold on to the fence everytime the wind blew and stop or else i might fly away o_O and i'm not exaggeratingg. it was so scaryy.. trying so desperately to stop and feeling so vulnerable in the gust o_O even kenny was blown awayy.. and he's tallll and therefore more heavy? haha.. oh well..
haven't been doing much since then but i've run into a spate of bad luck =( it's really bizarre. like i lost my meal pass which i CLEARLY remember putting into my pocket. it's not even my usual i-cant-remember-where-i-left-it-maybe-i-left-it-on-=the-dining-hall-table thing, i clearly remember where i put it, it just wasn't there afterwards o_O i tripped one breakfast and poured milk into my baked beans o_O it was gross okk. grosss! something else but i can't remember.. hm. something really annoying. ahh well.. then this morningg, hard at work studying with my lights on, light starts flickering.. flickerr. flickerrr. flickerr. i switched it off and am studying by the pathetic light of my table lamp now which is burning my book.. cos it's so hott o_O and i can't study by the light of the day. cos it's pouring now (which means i can't go for lunch anytime soon) and the sky is overcast and anw the days are so short here.. how am i going to studyyyy tonight? AH. AHHHH. (is this just an excuse??) man i won't be surprised if more terrible things happenn. drearryy.
tuesday. went to the jap society end-of-sem party at club massa. good music, nice dance floor, but no one dancing. haha except for the friends i went with (my classmates who take japanese) and i o_O haha. they were great company though. haha and i kind of had fun i guess dancingg and dancing.. although err it got a little strange cos it was just us. haha~
thursday, went to kiru (my snr)'s birthday party. she's 21. happy belated! it was at frankenstein, a pub/ club where she worked. pretty big place with 3 floors. haha. met one fo my classmates there who was looking for her bf in the huge place.. hahaa. everyone was dressed so poshlyy. haha. cos the dress code was red carpet. haha the guys were in suits and stuff. quite cool. haha. i wore jo's dress =) i love dressing up =) reminds me of nic and rui.. haha. they constantly played a film called 'bride of frankenstein' there, it's quite alarming. haha~ and everyone was taking photos, chatting or drinkingg.. their bar specialty is a drink called (guess..) 'bride of frankenstein' haha.. but it's really good. it's like bailey's with CHOCOLATE!!!!!! yummm. then the snrs realised they forgot to buy a cake o_O so they ran to tesco to get a plain chocolate cake, which they decorated, quite well i must say.. haha.. and the cake was deliciouss.. anything that has chocolate in it is delicious *beamss* supposed to go clubbing at faith after that but errr we got stuck at kiru's house chatting and we deided to go home. haha. it was drizzling and terribly windyy. when i say windy i mean windy. at one point of time, while kenny and i were walking to the pub, we were blown such that we couldn't control where we were going.. i was pushed full speed into a fence, luckily the wind stopped before i crashedd o_O lucky. not fun to crash into a wet fence in a nice prom dress okk. i had to hold on to the fence everytime the wind blew and stop or else i might fly away o_O and i'm not exaggeratingg. it was so scaryy.. trying so desperately to stop and feeling so vulnerable in the gust o_O even kenny was blown awayy.. and he's tallll and therefore more heavy? haha.. oh well..
haven't been doing much since then but i've run into a spate of bad luck =( it's really bizarre. like i lost my meal pass which i CLEARLY remember putting into my pocket. it's not even my usual i-cant-remember-where-i-left-it-maybe-i-left-it-on-=the-dining-hall-table thing, i clearly remember where i put it, it just wasn't there afterwards o_O i tripped one breakfast and poured milk into my baked beans o_O it was gross okk. grosss! something else but i can't remember.. hm. something really annoying. ahh well.. then this morningg, hard at work studying with my lights on, light starts flickering.. flickerr. flickerrr. flickerr. i switched it off and am studying by the pathetic light of my table lamp now which is burning my book.. cos it's so hott o_O and i can't study by the light of the day. cos it's pouring now (which means i can't go for lunch anytime soon) and the sky is overcast and anw the days are so short here.. how am i going to studyyyy tonight? AH. AHHHH. (is this just an excuse??) man i won't be surprised if more terrible things happenn. drearryy.
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